Reasons to Love Zaiya Japanese Steamed Buns


Japanese steamed buns are definitely stealing the limelight as one of the sought after comfort food today. These buns are filled with delicious meat and interesting ingredients that will make you crave for more. You want to have it every day. Here are more reasons to love this product.

  1. Easy to prepare and serve. All you need to do is put them in microwave for few minutes and these buns will warm you up.
  2. Perfect blend of sweetness and softness. The buns are steamed to perfection. The buns are super soft with hint of sweetness. The filing is considered as a bonus.
  3. Impressive history and handful of variations. Looked into the history of steamed buns and you will be amazed how far it has gone. In fact, there are countries that have created their own version.

Winter is coming. Warm yourself with steam buns. Drop by Zaiya and bring home some hot stuff.